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We design and hand-craft custom jewelry for men and women!

Wire Weaved Jewelry (Click on image to see a larger image)

This section features the wire weaved jewelry I'm learning to make. I started learning wire weaving earlier this year from Nicole Hannah's tutorials. I watched a couple of her tutorials and thought hey that looks like fun. She sips wine and wire weaves her beautiful designs so gracefully that I thought I could do that. So I purchased a few (several) of her designs, gathered my wire and my glass of wine and I started out to wire weave just like my teacher. Well, I ended up sending Nicole an email explaining my newly discovered dilemmas, I think my wire weaving and wine sipping ratio are out of whack, and that I probably need more than one project under my belt before trying to weave with wire and drinking wine. Nicole has been wrapping wire for several years and she has some wonderful designs and lots of practice.

Let me explain how I will be identifying my wire weaving designs. Those designs that are very close to Nicole's designs I will indicate them by "the name" she calls them. That means I got the design very close to what her design looks like and I'm proud of it.

Those designs that I create that look similar to Nicole's design I will indicate them as "inspired by Nicole Hannah's design". These are designs that I had to alter because my wire wasn't long enough and I had to alter the design in some way but I'm proud of the effort.

Those designs that have no name are designs I created, (I'm not good at naming my designs), or designs that started out as Nicole Hannah designs that well ... me and the directions totally fell out! The direction said to go right and I turned left and there was no way for me to catch up to those fast moving directions so I said the heck with them. Upon closer inspection (meaning I hate wasting wire and starting over), I looked at what I stumbled upon and kept right on going until I ran out of wire or my gut said "I like it!" Those pieces look nothing like Nicole's' and I'm too embarrassed to let anyone know how big a flap it was, so it falls under "Happy Accident" or no name.

I love creating the wire weavings and pairing them up with beads. So these are the designs I've created.



LRH Designs would consider it a privilege to have our custom jewelry accentuate an everyday work outfit or be the stand-out centerpiece of a special occasion ensemble. Please take a few minutes to browse our existing inventory of rings, necklaces, pendants, earrings, bracelets, brooches, and more, and place your order through our safe and secure online portal for global shipping. If you don’t see the item that fits your exact specifications for size, color, or composition, we also do custom jewelry designs. Email our office to discuss your ideas for a one-of-a-kind  piece of jewelry that is  made just for you! 

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